Thursday 17 December 2015

Listen to the Students

the ability to listen is one of a trainer's key skills.  a person who is able to really listen to others will find they gain power and respect - most people like nothing more than to speak about themselves.

listening is when you switch off the outside world and hear the words someone else is saying.  it's about giving the other person the silence and the space to speak and then responding to what they actually said, not what you thought they said, or what you expected them to say.

it's easy to spot a listener, they will be doing some, or all, of the following whilst you speak:

Non-Verbal Body Language.  the listener
  1. faces the speaker
  2. clears their desk, or makes a space between the speaker and themselves
  3. nods their head in the right places
  4. stipples their fingers (creates a triangle shape, be it behind their head, resting on their lips or chin or knee)
  5. gives the correct facial expressions, depending on what is being said
  6. switches off their phone
  7. uses silence so the speaker is allowed to speak and is not interrupted 
  8. writes notes

Verbal signs. the listener
  1. uses fillers;  umm, err, yes, no
  2. asks relevant questions
  3. repeats key parts 
  4. summarises what has been said

image found here

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